
Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
From SubscribeStar, posted just a moment ago...
(TL;DR -- Colds, more voicework completed, all art for the Gym side job are done, more coding, and the dev is geeking out on some games.)

October 24th 2022: Progress Report

Hello everyone, Rem here with this week's Progress Report!

Some news, Sachinama caught a cold over the weekend and yesterday it got worse so he went to the doctor to get it checked out, and they said that it wasn't a big deal and sent him packing home with a prescription. Please be careful of the change of the weather everyone! (Talking to myself here too since I developed a very, very minor sore throat over the weekend) And get enough rest! (Talking to myself too......)

In KP news, I pushed and pushed and got the lines written and sent to the english VA, SilkyMilk. Speaking of which, as of this posting, SilkyMilk already finished recording a part of the script, and the japanese VA reported back that she will begin recording this week too. Sachinama also finished doing the CUM art, so all the artwork needed for the Gym side job is now finished.

So our schedule for this week is looking to be mostly turning the voicework into ingame files and coding it. Also, Sachinama needs to rest more :mad: There's also non gym related coding stuff I gotta figure out and do. One of those things I'm planning on doing is a minor rework of the Waitress Side Job (which does not include adding new artwork) to make it less tedious feeling for most people. If anyone has an opinion or comment about the current implementation of the waitress side job, come on down to our Discord, read the #announcement and post in the #kp-waitress-feedback if you haven't yet! I will be keeping the #kp-waitress-feedback channel open for one more day.

And that's it for this week's report! For something totally unrelated, I will be taking tomorrow off to play Victoria 3! I think I almost have a thousand hours total played if I add up my EU3, EU4, CK2, CK3, HoI4 and Stellaris playtime together. If you cut me, I probably bleed in a weird mixture of eroge and mapgames. I've participated in the launch of most recent Paradox mapgames EXCEPT Imperator Rome because it came out during Karryn's Prison development and apparently I dodged a major bullet since Paradox already abandoned development on it. Anyway, basically I'm excited to nerd out and be a potato for Victoria 3 tomorrow. After Vicky 3 awaits hell. Insert Emiya Shirou hell meme here. Vicky 3 will probably be the last mini break I get before the Gym DLC is released because it's just non-stop work from here on out.

Stay safe, stay warm, stay comfy everyone, and I'll talk to you all again next week!
[End of dev post.]


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Excellent news, so the DLC is a few weeks from being published? like by the end of November


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Excellent news, so the DLC is a few weeks from being published? like by the end of November
It seems to be getting that way! :cool: There's still more lines to be recorded by both voice actresses (for both English and Japanese languages) and ALL the CGs have been completed for the Gym DLC, but there's still work on the coding side of things and some dialogues need to be finished. Rem's going to take a short break and then power through the rest of it until it's completed barring any unforeseen circumstances. That sounds to me that the Gym DLC is all but completed so, yeah, we should see it drop fairly soon! :D:D(y) Cheers y'all, be safe, and let's have some more fun with our favorite warden soon! ;):devilish:


Oct 9, 2021
i want to edit charm lv and slut lv but i don't know do it Anyone got a way to do it?

this file
edit it like this:

const VAR_DEF_RS_LV1_REQ = 0;
const VAR_DEF_RS_LV2_REQ = 9999;
const VAR_DEF_RS_LV3_REQ = 9999;
const VAR_FP_SEX_RS_LV1_REQ = 0;
const VAR_FP_SEX_RS_LV2_REQ = 9999;
const VAR_FP_SEX_RS_LV3_REQ = 9999;
const VAR_PA_SEX_RS_LV1_REQ = 0;
const VAR_PA_SEX_RS_LV2_REQ = 9999;
const VAR_PA_SEX_RS_LV3_REQ = 9999;
const VAR_TYPE_RS_LV1_REQ = 0;
const VAR_TYPE_RS_LV2_REQ = 9999;
const VAR_TYPE_RS_LV3_REQ = 9999;
const VAR_TOY_RS_LV1_REQ = 0;
const VAR_TOY_RS_LV2_REQ = 9999;
const VAR_TOY_RS_LV3_REQ = 9999;

that means,when slut LV is 9999,Karryn becomes lv2 slut.

and if you edit it like this:
const VAR_DEF_RS_LV1_REQ = 100;
const VAR_DEF_RS_LV2_REQ = 2000;
const VAR_DEF_RS_LV3_REQ = 9999;

it means slut LV reaches 100,unlock slut phase 1...when 2000 unlock slut phase 2...
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Orochi X

New Member
Aug 7, 2019
When you go to armour there are entries like --Titles-- and -----End----- and stuff, this is what I reffer too, they absolutely shouldn't be added.
You should add (change value to 1 for) stuff that is AFTER ---Titles--- or ---Titles2--- and BEFORE next linebreak in the armour category. They going to be named either the same as in the game (and achivement list), very similar but shorter or in the scheme of <stat> <one/two/three> for titles related to stat and sexual stat growth.

Now, there is plenty of other stuff that lies around, but changing other things is risky, not only bunch of entries are outdated, and don't actually used the same way as you expect, so will have no effect, it's also easy to corrupt the file. So, keep to gold and titles, or make backup of the save and experiment.
i have tried doing it and i did it, but sadly the title effect does not work, only the gold that i think work with rpgmaker edit save


New Member
Jan 9, 2019
Does anyone know if there is a way to keep her combat speech the same as it is with low to none in slut levels, even if that score is raised?


Oct 22, 2016
Tried it and I can't play it, every time fight starts, game slows down and you have to wait several seconds for every action. Please can anyone say why? Yes I played on old laptop, but I just played Divinity original sin on highest settings in coop on it without problems. Turned off all graphic options with no changes, does game with 2d sprites really need more powerful pc then 3d open world rpg?


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
Turned off all graphic options with no changes, does game with 2d sprites really need more powerful pc then 3d open world rpg?
Turn off 60fps option in the game's settings and set a 60fps limit using external programs such as graphics card driver or rivatuner. If this doesn't help, there's probably nothing to do, it is a rpg maker game so don't expect much from it in terms of performance. Also, dos is not really an open world game, it simply has big sandbox maps.
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