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(spoiler ep4) - are we gonna talk about the fact that a crime was solved by a "sorry"?

Aug 19, 2022 6:05 AM

Jul 2017
I wouldn't bother me if it was a simple comedy anime like konosuba or whatever where there are no consequences, but this is clearly a serious anime, with some comedy in it, and when that girl fucking KIDNAPS tadano, absolutely nothing happens ? she just says "sorry" the next day, tadano wasn't even going to do anything ?

ZehennagelAug 19, 2022 6:15 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Aug 19, 2022 6:06 AM

Apr 2016
You lost me at konosuba being a comedy.
Aug 19, 2022 6:08 AM

Jul 2017
Swagernator said:
You lost me at konosuba being a comedy.
if you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's not a comedy, sorry to burst your bubble but those are 2 different things, though if you are under 6 you might not make the difference.
Aug 19, 2022 6:14 AM

May 2021
She did face some consequences, namely almost missing the chance to become Komi’s friend which matters more to her than her own life
If you are from South East Asia, then I request you, when you will start an anime, you search if it is available on Muse Asia and Ani-one Asia, before looking through piracy websites
Aug 19, 2022 6:19 AM
Jan 2021
Itsumo_Issho said:
She did face some consequences, namely almost missing the chance to become Komi’s friend which matters more to her than her own life

Fair enough. Komi is easily beyond the law.
Aug 19, 2022 6:25 AM

Jan 2021
even in konosuba i think it would still have some consequences
they deleted my signature again so i'm not making a new one
Aug 19, 2022 6:27 AM

Jan 2021
Swagernator said:
You lost me at konosuba being a comedy.

so now we toxic for absolutely no reason?
they deleted my signature again so i'm not making a new one
Aug 19, 2022 6:28 AM

Mar 2022
tadano knows that if he do pull up something on yamai he will get some type of serial killer torcher shit. so he may kept quiet about it
Aug 19, 2022 6:29 AM

Jan 2021
borderliner said:
Zehennagel said:
I wouldn't bother me if it was a simple comedy anime like konosuba or whatever where there are no consequences, but this is clearly a serious anime, with some comedy in it, and when that girl fucking KIDAPS tadano, absolutely nothing happens ? she just says "sorry" the next day, tadano wasn't even going to do anything ?

Do us all a favour and "Get a life"

you are on mal and you watch anime and you still have the audacity to tell someone to get a life lmao
they deleted my signature again so i'm not making a new one
Aug 19, 2022 6:29 AM

Feb 2010
While it's not a goofy anime, there's an absence of police and headmasters so as long as Tadano doesn't think it's a problem then the narrative doesn't either. Also I think that it getting resolved with an apology despite its seriousness is part of what makes Tadano a part of the student body because only eccentric students go to the school
Aug 19, 2022 6:30 AM

Dec 2020
It's a fucking episodic comedy why would there be any fucking drama. It's fiction, not real life the laws of logic aren't the same.
Aug 19, 2022 6:30 AM
Apr 2021
1. It’s just an anime dude, chill
2. We don’t need twitter here more than there already is
3. It’s for Komi, completely justifiable
4. The comedy in this show is actually good to the point where I wouldn’t be surprised if they introduced super powers.

Basically keep all of this to yourself because to most of us viewers it was something nice, seeing Yamai unleash her yandere to the extremes.
Aug 19, 2022 6:31 AM

Oct 2021
Wth? This is actually a serious anime?
Aug 19, 2022 6:35 AM

Jul 2015
Tadano did not pressed any charges.
And yes, it is a simple comedy show.
I find it even more baffling that anyone in the cast even tolerates Yamai's very presence despite her best efforts to be unlikable.

Aug 19, 2022 6:41 AM
Dec 2021
Zehennagel said:
I wouldn't bother me if it was a simple comedy anime like konosuba or whatever where there are no consequences, but this is clearly a serious anime, with some comedy in it, and when that girl fucking KIDNAPS tadano, absolutely nothing happens ? she just says "sorry" the next day, tadano wasn't even going to do anything ?

its an anime, you just don't question things like that
Aug 19, 2022 6:42 AM
May 2021
Komi a serious anime? Lmao
Aug 19, 2022 6:47 AM
Jul 2018
They also have a ninja and 2 dudes that look like 50 year olds in their class, and what's Najimi's deal? Im pretty sure it's a guy but is some how allowed to go into the girls bathroom and share a room with them. Just suspend your disbelief i guess.
removed-userAug 19, 2022 6:53 AM
Aug 19, 2022 7:06 AM
Apr 2021
This mf took it wait to seriously. If they watch baki their head will explode for the lack of common sense and logic fr fr 💀💀💀
Aug 19, 2022 7:10 AM
Jul 2018
Do people know the difference between light-hearted and serious tone?
Some people say that if it isn't completely serious, then an anime is comedic (example i've seen: jujutsu kaisen, aot)
Some say that if it isn't completely made for laughs, then it's serious (example i've seen: komi, like OP said or even gintama)

It's a comedy, there will always be something absurd in comedies, and that's the charm.
And the fact that this light-hearted series will concentrate in only the things it deems important, it is only obvious that Yamai's bad deeds will be forgotten, the series doesn't want distractions

But anyway please Oda (komi's author), arrest, destroy, neutralize, do whatever to stop yamai
Aug 19, 2022 7:16 AM

Mar 2021
Wait? Komi-san is a serious anime? Since when?
Aug 19, 2022 7:23 AM
Jun 2022
Zehennagel said:
I wouldn't bother me if it was a simple comedy anime like konosuba or whatever where there are no consequences, but this is clearly a serious anime, with some comedy in it, and when that girl fucking KIDNAPS tadano, absolutely nothing happens ? she just says "sorry" the next day, tadano wasn't even going to do anything ?

a bit of correction, it's a comedy anime with little bits of slice of life, if you want serious one, I suggest pet girl of sakurasou. Although yes I felt that even though she didn't deserve to go to jail, she definitely should have been punished more seriously.
Aug 19, 2022 7:32 AM

Dec 2021
Pretty sure Komi-san isnt a serious anime but if you say so
Aug 19, 2022 7:51 AM

Dec 2020
Yeah that's why yamai is garbage
Aug 19, 2022 7:59 AM
Jan 2022
Well this show has always been garbage.
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Aug 19, 2022 8:00 AM
Jan 2022
Yeah I definitely agree. There should have been police intervention tbh, and it annoys me that it was just blown off. One of the many factors why I didn’t care for Komi-San.
Aug 19, 2022 8:00 AM

Mar 2021
Aug 19, 2022 8:10 AM

Jul 2017
Worsties said:
This is fiction...
this is a discussion website...
Aug 19, 2022 8:14 AM
Nov 2021
dude this is not a serious anime lmao
Aug 19, 2022 8:29 AM

Mar 2021
Zehennagel said:
Worsties said:
This is fiction...
this is a discussion website...
ngl u have me at that.
Aug 19, 2022 10:17 AM

Sep 2018
Zehennagel said:
Worsties said:
This is fiction...
this is a discussion website...

Do you seriously want to have a discussion about this!?

Well why would brushing an incident among friends off with a sorry bother you?

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Aug 19, 2022 10:40 AM

May 2021
Well first, she would face those consequences only if Tadano, the victim, pressed charges against her. Second, this is just as much of a comedy as Konosuba, but perhaps not as much sexual assault and maybe more gag characters.

Aug 19, 2022 10:42 AM

Jul 2017
borderliner said:
Zehennagel said:
this is a discussion website...

Do you seriously want to have a discussion about this!?

Well why would brushing an incident among friends off with a sorry bother you?

haha yea I too usualy kidnap my friends and keep them trapped in my closet for hours, among other crimes, when I'm jalous, just little incidents haha !

no seriously, what I'm saying is that this is not a completely comedic anime, its got serious themes etc, and this is clearly a crime but its brushed off as nothing, for imersion I thought this is a problem, it makes more sense to have something completely comedic and nothing serious, no consequences, or something where there are consequences and a crime has consequences. but in my opinion to have both like this, especially a crime, doesn't make much sense imo.
ZehennagelAug 19, 2022 11:05 AM
Aug 19, 2022 10:43 AM

Jul 2017
Leedv188 said:
Zehennagel said:
I wouldn't bother me if it was a simple comedy anime like konosuba or whatever where there are no consequences, but this is clearly a serious anime, with some comedy in it, and when that girl fucking KIDNAPS tadano, absolutely nothing happens ? she just says "sorry" the next day, tadano wasn't even going to do anything ?

bro its an anime stfu
bro its a discussion website stfu
Aug 19, 2022 10:45 AM

Jul 2017
Potatoboy11 said:
Zehennagel said:
bro I did look at the character why the fuck do you gotta be so fucking agressive bro ? what the hell are you talking about ? how is that dumb shit, did you watch the same anime I did? you can disagree without having to be so aggressive, that's called discussion

If aggressive means calling out the idiot; then yes, I am aggressive.

Let's take a look back at we have at hand:
-comedy show
-non serious show (idk what makes konosuba less serious than this)
-gag characters
-said gag characters sticking to their characteristics.
And then there's you trying to target the show for not being serious, and trying to wipe it off with a "nO tHis A sERiOus SHoW".

And again, if being aggressive means being absolutely right; then yes, I am being aggressive.
well if you wanna have the last word this bad, I'll let you have it. I don't consider this show as totaly "comedic" like a konosuba or other, there is still some character development and all, and it adresses the themes seriously. we just disagree on that. We don't have to call each other stupid, or being agressive, but I guess this is internet so my bad, should have known better
Aug 19, 2022 10:47 AM

Jul 2017
RioFS said:
Well first, she would face those consequences only if Tadano, the victim, pressed charges against her. Second, this is just as much of a comedy as Konosuba, but perhaps not as much sexual assault and maybe more gag characters.
I disagree on that, it is comedic allright but its got serious themes, and adresses them seriously, so it's not a "100% comedy" show where nothing matters, there is still some character development and all.
Aug 19, 2022 10:48 AM

May 2021
Zehennagel said:
RioFS said:
Well first, she would face those consequences only if Tadano, the victim, pressed charges against her. Second, this is just as much of a comedy as Konosuba, but perhaps not as much sexual assault and maybe more gag characters.
I disagree on that, it is comedic allright but its got serious themes, and adresses them seriously, so it's not a "100% comedy" show where nothing matters, there is still some character development and all.

Why can't comedy anime have character development? Look at Kaguya-Sama.

Aug 19, 2022 11:03 AM

Sep 2018
Zehennagel said:
borderliner said:

Do you seriously want to have a discussion about this!?

Well why would brushing an incident among friends off with a sorry bother you?

haha yea I too usualy kidnap my friends and keep them trapped in my closet for hours, among other crimes, when I'm jalous, just little incidents haha !

So, your discussion point is that comedy shows need to have the characters acting within societal norms otherwise you get bothered by it?

Is that a reasonable summary of what you actually want to talk about?

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Aug 19, 2022 11:06 AM

Jul 2017
borderliner said:
Zehennagel said:
haha yea I too usualy kidnap my friends and keep them trapped in my closet for hours, among other crimes, when I'm jalous, just little incidents haha !

So, your discussion point is that comedy shows need to have the characters acting within societal norms otherwise you get bothered by it?

Is that a reasonable summary of what you actually want to talk about?

I edited my post after you answer so here's what I wrote : no seriously, what I'm saying is that this is not a completely comedic anime, its got serious themes etc, and this is clearly a crime but its brushed off as nothing, for imersion I thought this is a problem, it makes more sense to have something completely comedic and nothing serious, no consequences, or something where there are consequences and a crime has consequences. but in my opinion to have both like this, especially a crime, doesn't make much sense imo.
Aug 19, 2022 11:22 AM
Jul 2022
m4ci3x said:
borderliner said:

Do us all a favour and "Get a life"

you are on mal and you watch anime and you still have the audacity to tell someone to get a life lmao

That's what I'm saying... but he doesn't listen
Aug 19, 2022 11:34 AM

Mar 2021
Zehennagel said:
Potatoboy11 said:

If aggressive means calling out the idiot; then yes, I am aggressive.

Let's take a look back at we have at hand:
-comedy show
-non serious show (idk what makes konosuba less serious than this)
-gag characters
-said gag characters sticking to their characteristics.
And then there's you trying to target the show for not being serious, and trying to wipe it off with a "nO tHis A sERiOus SHoW".

And again, if being aggressive means being absolutely right; then yes, I am being aggressive.
well if you wanna have the last word this bad, I'll let you have it. I don't consider this show as totaly "comedic" like a konosuba or other, there is still some character development and all, and it adresses the themes seriously. we just disagree on that. We don't have to call each other stupid, or being agressive, but I guess this is internet so my bad, should have known better

Gintama is the the greatest comedy show out there, yet, even though it's a parody and a gag show, it is still heavily centered around it's characters. Almost every character got their fair share of development and depth. Even so, I don't see nobody taking it seriously outside of the serious arcs. Konosuba, wich you claimed to have no character development, provided an entire movie to give Megumin some development. Character development, story, themes... etc are not what decide whether a show is serious or not; the author does, and that is shown through the story-writing. The entire debate of whether a show is serious or not is simply wrong; as wrong as comparing a brick of concrete with a lightyear. See? It doesn't make sense. And so is your debate. Your basing your entire argument on how you feel when your opinion doesn't bring anything onto the table.

Moral of the speech. If you think that your opinion matters in an objective discussion, then you're simply wrong.
Aug 19, 2022 11:54 AM

Sep 2018
Zehennagel said:
borderliner said:

So, your discussion point is that comedy shows need to have the characters acting within societal norms otherwise you get bothered by it?

Is that a reasonable summary of what you actually want to talk about?

I edited my post after you answer so here's what I wrote : no seriously, what I'm saying is that this is not a completely comedic anime, its got serious themes etc, and this is clearly a crime but its brushed off as nothing, for imersion I thought this is a problem, it makes more sense to have something completely comedic and nothing serious, no consequences, or something where there are consequences and a crime has consequences. but in my opinion to have both like this, especially a crime, doesn't make much sense imo.

I think your logic is flawed, in fact I'd argue that serious issues often benefit from being explored through comedy.

This is a show about what is often debilitating, the reality of having a condition like Komi-sans is most likely a life of social exclusion.

The comedic pretence of the show brings Komi to the centre of all things. I should point out that I'm no fan of some of the show's more absurd characters, but their existence does point to the author wanting to explore Komi-san's condition through those absurdities.

And in the context of that premise scenes like Tadano's kidnap are fair game.

borderlinerAug 19, 2022 12:33 PM
Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Aug 19, 2022 11:55 AM

Jan 2021
I've accepted the fact that the average anime is NOT a good source of comedy. There are some great ones like Saiki K, Konosuba, Kaguya Sama and Prison School, but your average RomCom or Isekai are not the best place to look for.
Aug 19, 2022 12:33 PM
May 2020
Zehennagel said:
I wouldn't bother me if it was a simple comedy anime like konosuba or whatever where there are no consequences, but this is clearly a serious anime, with some comedy in it, and when that girl fucking KIDNAPS tadano, absolutely nothing happens ? she just says "sorry" the next day, tadano wasn't even going to do anything ?

It is a simple comedy anime. Not sure which anime you’ve been watching.
Aug 19, 2022 2:24 PM
Mar 2022
Zehennagel said:
I wouldn't bother me if it was a simple comedy anime like konosuba or whatever where there are no consequences, but this is clearly a serious anime, with some comedy in it, and when that girl fucking KIDNAPS tadano, absolutely nothing happens ? she just says "sorry" the next day, tadano wasn't even going to do anything ?

yeah definitely a big overlooked thing that character does and represents i really don’t like her but i get the apeal and connection the story in the setting but i just can’t enjoy her ngl
Aug 19, 2022 2:43 PM

Jul 2017
Potatoboy11 said:
Zehennagel said:
well if you wanna have the last word this bad, I'll let you have it. I don't consider this show as totaly "comedic" like a konosuba or other, there is still some character development and all, and it adresses the themes seriously. we just disagree on that. We don't have to call each other stupid, or being agressive, but I guess this is internet so my bad, should have known better

Gintama is the the greatest comedy show out there, yet, even though it's a parody and a gag show, it is still heavily centered around it's characters. Almost every character got their fair share of development and depth. Even so, I don't see nobody taking it seriously outside of the serious arcs. Konosuba, wich you claimed to have no character development, provided an entire movie to give Megumin some development. Character development, story, themes... etc are not what decide whether a show is serious or not; the author does, and that is shown through the story-writing. The entire debate of whether a show is serious or not is simply wrong; as wrong as comparing a brick of concrete with a lightyear. See? It doesn't make sense. And so is your debate. Your basing your entire argument on how you feel when your opinion doesn't bring anything onto the table.

Moral of the speech. If you think that your opinion matters in an objective discussion, then you're simply wrong.
well I never said that character development was what made a comedy or not, you just extrapolated from me.
and no, it's not just how I feel, clearly the show has some serious moments, and if you must, you can rewatch the scene in which the kidnapped guy is behind, its pretty creepy and clearly noy made to laugh, later it's debatable, but in this scene, clearly, there are touching moments, I don't see how anyone other than a psychopatch could laugh a that scene. Not because of the crime or whatever but clearly, it's not comedic, in this scene, again. That's what I'm tlaking about.

and in fact, in the rest of the show, what I meant by serious that maybe wasn't very clear, is that there are clearly touching moments between the characters, in a comedy without consequences, you don't realy care about the characters feelings, they're so over the top, but the 2 mc are developped, seriously, and when they have those touching moments, it's not funny or anything.
This was one of these moments. So serious, touching, important, and yet all of it in the context of a crime, who didn't have any consequences. that makes it less coherent imo. What I'm saying is : you can't feel the "seriousness" of the show even though it is, and the scene was, in my opinion, if crimes have no consequences, yet again its not a "complete" comedy since it has some srious, touching themes and all.

but I understand its just one part of the show, it wasn't to my taste but I don't think its a bad anime.

and about gintama, it's not a realy good example. the last quarter of the series was serious, touching, etc, but apart from a few exeptions, there was next to no comedy, in dozens of episodes(compared to the other 3/4 of the series which were comedy gold).
ZehennagelAug 19, 2022 2:55 PM
Aug 19, 2022 2:45 PM

Jul 2017
borderliner said:
Zehennagel said:
I edited my post after you answer so here's what I wrote : no seriously, what I'm saying is that this is not a completely comedic anime, its got serious themes etc, and this is clearly a crime but its brushed off as nothing, for imersion I thought this is a problem, it makes more sense to have something completely comedic and nothing serious, no consequences, or something where there are consequences and a crime has consequences. but in my opinion to have both like this, especially a crime, doesn't make much sense imo.

I think your logic is flawed, in fact I'd argue that serious issues often benefit from being explored through comedy.

This is a show about what is often debilitating, the reality of having a condition like Komi-sans is most likely a life of social exclusion.

The comedic pretence of the show brings Komi to the centre of all things. I should point out that I'm no fan of some of the show's more absurd characters, but their existence does point to the author wanting to explore Komi-san's condition through those absurdities.

And in the context of that premise scenes like Tadano's kidnap are fair game.

okay that's interesting, so you're saying that having a clear scenario doesn't realy matter, its about what's described ? like in some kubrick movies ?
Aug 19, 2022 3:16 PM

Sep 2018
Zehennagel said:
borderliner said:

I think your logic is flawed, in fact I'd argue that serious issues often benefit from being explored through comedy.

This is a show about what is often debilitating, the reality of having a condition like Komi-sans is most likely a life of social exclusion.

The comedic pretence of the show brings Komi to the centre of all things. I should point out that I'm no fan of some of the show's more absurd characters, but their existence does point to the author wanting to explore Komi-san's condition through those absurdities.

And in the context of that premise scenes like Tadano's kidnap are fair game.

okay that's interesting, so you're saying that having a clear scenario doesn't realy matter, its about what's described ? like in some kubrick movies ?

No way I'm going to be comparing this to a Kubrick movie, though you can point to how absurd Dr Strangelove is and the deadly serious topic it tackles.

But be it Stanley Kubrick or Mike Meyers, Attack on Titan or Komi-san the characters only need to behave believably within the framework of their setting.

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Aug 19, 2022 4:36 PM
Jan 2022
It has the comedy tag, it’s an anime which should be enough explanation in all honesty. Don’t try to put logic into a comedy anime.
Aug 19, 2022 4:42 PM
Mar 2022
I’m mean, you’re not wrong—-
Aug 19, 2022 5:45 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Zehennagel said:
I wouldn't bother me if it was a simple comedy anime like konosuba or whatever where there are no consequences, but this is clearly a serious anime, with some comedy in it, and when that girl fucking KIDNAPS tadano, absolutely nothing happens ? she just says "sorry" the next day, tadano wasn't even going to do anything ?

Yep, one of the big reasons that I hate this anime. It's really gross and it gets worst. Much worst.
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